среда, 12 июня 2013 г.

Forbes и QNet

На страницах Forbes тоже можно обнаружить трезвые голоса - http://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesasia/2012/11/28/readers-say-2/:

"Over a period of 12 years I have analyzed the compensation plans of over 500 multilevel marketing (MLM) programs, QNET’s being one of them, and a clear pattern is evident. Multilevel marketing as a business model is dependent upon a whole network of endless chains of participants–or recruiters recruiting recruiters. The sellers are the buyers, and the buyers are the sellers–to themselves and their families. The compensation plans of all the MLMs I have analyzed assume infinite markets–which do not exist in the real world. They also assume virgin markets, which don’t exist for long. They are therefore profitable primarily only for the first ones into a given market. Later entrants are being sold a ticket on a flight that has already left the ground. It is not the people or the products that are the villain but the underlying system, which is a flawed, endlesschain business plan, or product-based pyramid scheme. –Posted by Jon M. Taylor, M.B.A., Ph.D."

(кстати, рекомендуем почитать этого автора - http://mlm-thetruth.com/evaluating-mlms/list-mlms-evaluated/mlms-evaluated-n-r/)  

Q-net и денег больше нет! Вторая волна!

Добрый день, наши уважаемые читатели! Сегодня мы предлагаем вам вспомнить как началась вторая волна в Казахстане. Почему именно Казахста...